V takšnih pripovedih

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Christoph Ransmayr: Grozote teme in ledu

Čas je krnica,

iz katere hlapi preteklost.

Christoph Ransmayr: Grozote teme in ledu

Pravijo, da je glasba jezik, ki izraža nevidno,

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Margriet de Moor: Virtuoz

Mišice, dihanje, grlo.

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Margriet de Moor: Virtuoz

Per Olov Enquist

Will perform in Ljubljana on 18 April 2011 and in Koper on 19 April 2011.

Per Olov Enquist (1934) is an internationally renowned contemporary Swedish writer and playwright. He is an author of over forty works, which brought him important literary awards, including the prestigious Strindberg prize. His works have been translated into more than thirty languages; the translation of his novel Captain Nemo’s Library (Študentska založba 2008) introduced him to Slovenian readers, too. Enquist is well-known as an insightful literary and theatre critic, as well as an author of radio plays and visible television and film screenplays. The play on August Strindberg Tribadernas natt (The Night of Tribads) had 200 reruns all over the world and enchanted Broadway with an outstanding critical success.