V takšnih pripovedih

ni še nihče živel naprej.

Christoph Ransmayr: Grozote teme in ledu

Pravijo, da je glasba jezik, ki izraža nevidno,

in da jo zato vsak razume.

Margriet de Moor: Virtuoz

Mišice, dihanje, grlo.

Petje je intimno početje, ki pač ne ostane skrito.

Margriet de Moor: Virtuoz

Čas je krnica,

iz katere hlapi preteklost.

Christoph Ransmayr: Grozote teme in ledu

Margriet de Moor

de-MoorWill perform in Ljubljana on 13 April 2011 and in Maribor on 14 April 2011.

Margriet de Moor (1941), a multi-talented artist, published her debut, a short story collection Op de rug gezien (Back Views), in 1988, which was followed in 1991 by her first novel Eerst grijs dan wit dan blauw (First Grey, Then White, Then Blue) awarded the central literary prize in the Netherlands, AKO. Ever since her entry on the literary scene, she has attracted great attention of critics and public, also with her essays. Her novels have been translated into practically all global languages. Slovenian readers know her by her work Duke of Egypt (Franc-Franc 2005).